Every year 19th June is celebrated as National Public Health Dentistry Day. The day is celebrated to spread awareness about the importance of oral health among the public. In this regard, a dental screening camp was held at St. Francies D Assisi Senior Secondary School, Aluva on 19 June 2024. It was organized by Department of Public Health Dentistry and Department of Pedodontics, Annoor Dental College and Hospital in association with St. Francies D Assisi Senior Secondary School, Aluva. Felicitation speech along with Health awareness talk was given by Dr. Pooja Latti, Professor and Head of the Department, Department of Public Health Dentistry and Dr Vishaki, First Year PG, Department of Pedodontics to create awareness among the school kids. The following events were conducted at the camp:
• Oral screening was performed on children.
• Awareness class taken on maintenance of oral health.
• Dance performance by the students regarding the tooth brushing technique.
• Tooth Brushing Technique Demonstration done.
All patients were provided with a referral card for availing further treatment in the college. The camp was successful and was very educative for the students.

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Published On: June 19, 2024Categories: 2024 - Outreach Activities, Public Health Dentistry Activities