Dr. Anjana Thomas
Position: Senior Lecturer
Experience: 2 YEARS
Qualification: MDS-Prosthodontics and Crown and Bridge
- Best Scientific Poster Presentation at the Midterm IPS Conference and PG Convention, 2017
- Improving Quality of life of a Geriatric with a Lost Eye: A Case Report’ International Journal Of Creative research Thoughts: 2021:Volume 9 Issue 5
- Prosthetic Management of a patient with ectodermal dysplasia: A Case Report. Annoor Journal of Scientific Research (AJSR) 2020; Volume 2, Issue 2, Jan-Apr, 179-185
- Improving the Quality of Life of a Partially Edentulous Patient: A Case Report. Annoor Journal of Scientific Research (AJSR) 2020; Volume 2, Issue 2, Jan-Apr,194-200
- Anterior Esthetic Rehabilitation using complete digital workflow: A Case Report. Annoor Journal of Scientific Research (AJSR) 2020; Volume 2, Issue 2, Jan-Apr,206-213
- ‘Prosthodontic Rehabilitation of Acquired Maxillary Defects’ is published in Lamberts Publication -2021
- Kerala State Council of Science Technology and Environment Funded Project, 2021