Position: Reader
Experience: 4+ Years
Qualification: MDS-Prosthodontics and Crown and Bridge, MTech (Medical nanotechnology)
- Comparative evaluation of retentive strength of polyvinyl siloxane impression materials to custom tray using different tray adhesives: An in vitro study. Dentistry 3000.2020; 8(1).
- Lithium disilicate ceramic – An overview. The Journal of Prosthetic and Implant Dentistry. 2018;1(2):116–22.
- Surgical gingival sculpturing for improving esthetics of anterior fixed prosthesis: A case report. The Journal of Prosthetic and Implant Dentistry. 2018;1(2):123–6.
- Comparative evaluation of structural wear of dental implant drills before and after multiple osteotomies- A scanning electron microscopic study. Kerala Dental Journal. 2018; 3:137-139.
- Impression techniques in implant dentistry. Malanadu dental journal. 2019; 8:(4)12-17.
- Guided implant surgery. Malanadu dental journal. 2019; 8:(4) 33-39.