Oral & Maxillofacial Pathology and Oral Microbiology
Oral Pathology is a core subject, the link between basic science and clinical dentistry and medicine. Oral Pathology is that part of pathology and a branch of dentistry concerned with the scientific study of the causes and effects of oral diseases an understanding of which is essential for diagnosis and for the development of rational treatment and preventive programmes.
The state of art department is well equipped with the best equipment’s like adequate number of microscopes, microscopic slides, study models, charts, hard and soft tissue specimens for undergraduate training. The department also possesses fine infrastructure like pathology museum, research microscopes with polarizing, phase contrast, photo micrographic and pentahead attachments required for post graduate training and research purposes. The well-equipped clinical, haematological, microbiological, histology and immunohistochemical laboratories aid to develop standard reports in diagnosis and interpret clinical findings.
- Training-Future dental surgeons in diagnosing oral diseases
- Diagnostic services-Oral and maxillofacial diseases
- Research -Innovative solutions for oral health care problems
- Training future dental surgeons
- Diagnosing oral lesions
- Routine lab techniques
- Advanced molecular techniques
- Diagnostic services
- Clinically oriented
- Prompt and accurate
- Cost effective
- Research
- Tissue and molecular pathology
- Epidemiology
- Preventive oral oncology
- Forensic odontology
Oral & Maxillofacial
Pathology and
Oral Microbiology